Tour Reports
Ladakh 2017 Trip Report: Searching for Snow Leopards
Typical snow leopard terrain in Ladakh Back in 2006 the BBC broadcast the first series of Planet Earth. It was a landmark production, five years in the making and at the time, the most expensive natural history documentary ever made. Arguably the stand out and most talked about sequence from the eleven episodes was of…
Read MoreCosta Rica 2016 Trip Report: First Impressions for Photography
Costa Rica is a diminutive country that has long been an established wildlife destination. Renowned for its remarkable biodiversity, well protected forests (one third of the land mass is national parks and private reserves), accessibility and high standards. Its proximity to the States has certainly been influential and it is already a very popular winter…
Read MorePapua New Guinea 2016 Trip Report
Papua New Guinea is one of the world’s least-explored regions. Few destinations conjure more remote or evocative visions, with many areas still largely untouched by time and Western influence. It is a place where pristine rainforests harbor an intriguing array of wildlife, and tribal peoples live in ways that have changed little in centuries. Not…
Read MorePatagonia 2016 Trip Report: Pumas Paws & Condors Soar
Punta Arenas in Chile is one of those places that has an ‘edge of the earth’ feel about it. It’s a busting, vibrant little town, but sitting as it does at the very southern tip of South America, it is effectively hemmed in by cold, open oceans on three sides and the imposing Andes to…
Read MoreYellowstone 2016 Trip Report: Wildlife in White
There was a sense of anticipation as the two snow coaches pulled up outside our lodge in West Yellowstone. Another significant overnight snowfall blanketed the ground and flurries of large, soft flakes still danced in the air. There was a lovely, pleasing crunch under foot. Male Bison sparing in the Lamar Valley The previous four…
Read MoreIndia 2014 Trip Report
After experiencing the tranquil joys of Satpura and some excellent tiger viewing elsewhere, Nick rekindles his interest in India and its fascinating wildlife
Read MoreMadagascar 2014 Trip Report
A night-time encounter with the bizarre and elusive Aye-aye proves to be the highlight of a tour that was filled with thrills from start to finish.
Read MorePantanal 2014 Trip Report
Seeing a jaguar cub in the wild is very rare, getting worthwhile photos is rarer still. There maybe only a handful of photographers who have had such a privilege, but those who were with Nick on his most recent tour to the Pantanal can now join that very exclusive club.
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